Donnerstag, 20. März 2008

The Death Dance according to A. Strindberg

I tryed to catch the atmosphere like it obtains in small theatres and defined characters with simple accessoires. in the beginning i dressed them with sunglasses to underline that every character is playing games with the other.

Montag, 10. März 2008

Flash Libary Test with 1 Symbol

TV Trailer

Sonntag, 9. März 2008

Relaxed Fun ... Portraits with Hat

Mittwoch, 5. März 2008

i w a s a f l y .

Dienstag, 4. März 2008

f l i g h t o f a f l y .

My 2nd serial sketches for the fly machine ...

Live together - die alone!

death - nothing in our life is so certain and on the other hand so uncertain at the same time. it has many faces but in the end it's the same all over ... losing of all senses. the death is as mysterious as the biginning of life but in life we have the chance to get connected to each other. dieing still has a taste of anonymity ... everyone dies apart even if two poeple dieing at the same place in the same time they have to experience this for them self ... so this serial is one way for me to express the anonymity of death!